A Rewards Program is coming soon. Win prizes.
Help build the Connections Community by participating in a variety of ways that will earn you reward points to redeem for prizes.
Refer friends to purchase their own copy of the Connections Card Game.
Submit reviews, photos and videos. Post on social media. Write a blog. Link to our website.
Play our daily games.
Referral Link to earn reward points is:
(Give to family and friends. Use in posts, emails, blogs and web links.)
Your Current Reward Points:
Action | # | Value | | Total | Limits
Amazon Video Review: | 0 x | (2000) | | 0 | (maximum of one)
Amazon Purchaser Review: | 0 x | (1000) | | 0 | (maximum of one)
Amazon Review: | 0 x | (250) | | 0 | (maximum of one)
Etsy Review: | 0 x | (250) | | 0 | (maximum of one)
Review: | 0 x | (20) | | 0 | (maximum of three)
Referral: | 0 x | (500) | | 0 | (no limit)
Video: | 0 x | (100) | | 0 | (one per month)
Photo: | 0 x | (25) | | 0 | (one per week)
Tweet: | 0 x | (10) | | 0 | (one per day)
Blog Post: | 0 x | (250) | | 0 | (one per month)
FB Post: | 0 x | (20) | | 0 | (one per day)
Web Link: | 0 x | (10) | | 0 | (one per month)
Rule Submission: | 0 x | (50) | | 0 | (one per month)
Daily Game Win: | 0 x | (1) | | 0 | (one per day)
Prize Redemption Amounts:
Men's Polo Shirt | 3500
Unisex T-Shirt | 2500
Expansion Pack 1 | 1200 (when available)
Connections Game | 2500
Product redemption includes free worldwide shipping.
You must be a verified purchaser of the Connections Card Game.
Maximums and redemption values may change at our discretion with 30 days notice.
Referrals must be substantiated with an eventual sale through our website, not Amazon.